An ally against climate change

First it is important to know What is Solar Self-consumption and how is it used! Solar Energy Self-consumption Systems uses the photovoltaic (PV) electricity generated on-site for its own electrical needs, that means, the PV-generated energy is consumed immediately as it's being produced
Solar Self-consumption offers some huge economic benefits, from reducing bill costs to being 100% tax-deductible in Mexico.
Solar Self-consumption Systems are a great choice for homes, businesses and industries since by generating energy on-site, transmission losses are reduced to it's minimum
Another major advantage is that there is no need to go off-grid to use solar power. By simply synchronizing the solar system with the electric grid service, your house, bussines or industry can be powered by both! It is important to clarify that this does not mean that it is connected to the power grid. Self-consumption systems don't send electricity to the grid! These installations have an anti-waste system that prevents excess energy being exported to the grid. So for States like Baja California and Baja California Sur in Mexico, there is no problem with the national electric grid service, CFE!
But how does it work at night?
At night, the Photovoltaic System doesn't produce electricity. On that case, you will be using electricity from the main national grid. This solution is aimed to clients that wants to reduce their electricity bill costs and help in the fight against climate change. In case you want to be independent on the grid, the solution that best fits you is the Off-Grid Solar System.
Self-consumption Solar System Promos